Grammar School Entrance Examination ( 11+ )
Dear parents and families, this page is designed to give you information and support if your child is considering sitting Wirral's grammar school entrance examination tests (commonly referred to as 11+). Currently we are planning for the tests to take place as planned in September 2024. We will add dates as soon as they are confirmed.
We will be offering tuition in school for the 11+. This will take place on a Tuesday after school between 3;15pm - 4:15pm.
Children MUST register for this.
Tuition will start on Tuesday 14th May 2024. Tuition will continue until Tuesday 9th of July.
Below we have added a table of free resources that families can access.
From 2021, the non catholic grammar schools changed to GL assessments as the test provider (has previously been CEM assessments). Those schools are:
Online registration for Wirral's non-Catholic Grammar Schools is now open and will close on 31st May. To register and to find the most up-to-date information, please use the Wirral Schools Admission Page.
GL assessments have readily available familiarisation materials which can be accessed below:
Links to high quality free resources:
Bond are a commercial supplier of resources to support tuition for grammar school examinations (known as 11+). They have created a bank of free resources that you can access by clicking here.
Also have a free set of interactive tests that can be accessed by clicking here.
Eleven Plus Exams have created a collection of free 11+ preparation guides and practice papers for families.
Practice papers can accessed by clicking here.
CGP are a commercial supplier of resources to support tuition for grammar school examinations (known as 11+). They have created a bank of free resources that you can access by clicking here
11 Plus Guide is designed to be a one stop for families considering the 11+. They have compiled a helpful page of free resources to support your child. That can be read by clicking here.
Parents can also source high quality resources online, through apps and via publishers. These are good for familiarisation. Children should not be expected to work at test speed until September of the tests.
There are other selective schools in Wirral that administer their own admission examinations and processes. They are:
Upton Hall Grammar School for girls
St Anselm's Grammar School for boys
Birkenhead High School Academy for girls
We will update you with any changes if we receive further information. Please scroll down to find further information, including the Wirral Admissions Assessment Familiarisation document, a practice paper and some vocabulary work.
Timetable below is a typical timetable from 2023.
Wirral has a range of selective and non-selective secondary schools. The selective schools administer entrance examinations. Four of the grammar schools use Wirral's co-ordinated entrance examination (11+) as their admissions examination. The examinations are developed by GL assessment. The exam is designed to reflect children's school based learning and be tutor resistant. The examination consists of:
non-verbal reasoning,
verbal reasoning, vocabulary and spelling,
reading and comprehension in English sections.
Example timetable for parents considering applying for their children to undertake the grammar school entrance examination is below
INTENDED TIMETABLE for 2023/2024 (Sept 25 admissions)
1st SEPTEMBER Online application system goes live-Preference forms and booklets available
16th SEPTEMBER Upton Hall assessment date
22nd SEPTEMBER St Anselms's assessment date
18th SEPTEMBER 2022 (TBC) Non-Catholic selective assessments (11+)
TBC (usually early November) Birkenhead High School Academy music assessments
31 OCTOBER Deadline for preference forms
The 11+ assessment request forms are made available each year from the beginning of May for children in Year 5 who will be applying for secondary school places. The form will be available from the Wirral Council's admissions portal from May onwards. Assessment request forms are for parents who want their child to take the 11+ assessment in September. Forms need to be returned to Wirral Local Authority by 31st May.
We support children and families with the admission process for grammar schools. We do this through:
Parents' information meeting in April
Providing children with free Year 5 booster sessions in the Summer Term of Year 5. Take place after school on a Tuesday from 14th May 2024.
ALL tests are now taken at the Grammar School. Attached letter from heads at Wirral Grammar Schools explains this change.
We have also attached:
An example paper from another borough. Remember that the format will change very year.
Letter from CEM regarding tests.
Wirral Council's Familiarisation booklet (we will work through this at school).
Further help and resources can be found below: