Willows Inclusion Base
‘The Willows’ is a Local Authority funded inclusion base, which supports children with SEMH difficulties. The base supports children from across the Wirral. Places in ‘The Willows’ are determined by the Local Authority, following the pupils being assessed by a specialist panel of professionals. This is a short-term provision (4 terms) with the child remaining dual registered with their mainstream school.
The main priority of the Willows is breaking down barriers to learning, ensuring that children are able to access education which they have been unable to do in mainstream settings. This is due to their extreme SEMH needs. When the children come to Willows, they are usually unable to regulate their emotions, leading to crisis point behaviours being regularly reached. The challenging behaviours displayed are the child’s way of expressing their emotions in that moment. It is the purpose of the base to give the children the tools to express and regulate their emotions, in a more controlled way, with the aim of successfully returning to mainstream education.
This achieved through a range of strategies including:
● Clear, consistent approach from adults in the base
● Constant role-modelling of behaviour
● Morning Feelings Song
● Emotional Literacy
● Daily Circle Time
● My Happy Mind
● Makaton
● Mindfulness & Yoga
● Boxall Profiles
● Team Teach approach
● Opportunities for building and maintaining relationships
● Team games and turn-taking
● Self-reflection & communication
● Social skills
● Nurturing activities
● Eating together
● Rights & responsibilities
● Community Paediatricians
This is, by no means, an exhaustive list.
As soon as the staff feel the child is ready and able to cope in mainstream class, they return for singular sessions / play-times and lunchtimes (for the social aspect) within Riverside. This is regularly reviewed with Willows staff, the mainstream staff and the child themselves. These returns to class will increase dependent on the child’s continued ability to cope with the transition.
Termly reviews are held with both schools and parents/carers - as well as paediatricians if necessary - to discuss the child’s progress and future steps. Due to many of the children being taxi-transported to school, communication with parents/carers is vital and this is done through regular phone calls / emails / meetings - and is a two-way process with The Willows having an “open-door” policy.
On occasion, mainstream is deemed not to be the most suitable place for the child, and alternative long-term provision is sought to best meet the needs of the individual child.