School Governors

 Message from our Chair of Governors


Mrs Anne Noble


As governors at Riverside Primary School we are representatives of our parents and our local community. We set the strategic direction for the school, hold schools leaders to account for improving school performance and ensure that resources available are used to maximum benefit. We regularly visit the school between meetings and are committed to ensuring that all children receive a wonderful educational experience in our exciting, safe and caring environment. We can be contacted via the school office if you wish to speak to us.

Riverside's Governing Body

Riverside Primary School is run by a Governing Body working with the headteacher, Mrs C Lahive and her Senior Leadership Team. We aim to ensure that pupils receive an excellent, all-round education. Members of the Governing Body are made up from teachers, parents and members of the local community.

We meet once a term for our full Governing Body meetings and all of our Governors are members of sub-committees, which deal with specific issues relating to Curriculum, Finance, Resources and Personnel. The sub-committees meet regularly and feed back to the full Governing Body. All of the governors perform their role on a voluntary basis.

The Role of Governors

The role of Governors covers three interwoven strands:

•  To take a largely strategic role in the running of the school

•  To act as a critical friend to the school

•  To ensure accountability of the governing body to the parents and of the headteacher to the governing body

The responsibilities and powers have to be exercised in partnership with the headteacher and staff.


Mrs Anne Noble

Chair of Finance Committee


Mr Carl Carr

Vice-Chair of Finance Committee


Mrs Emma Liddy

Co-chair of Curriculum Committee

Safeguarding Governor


Mrs Mary McManamon

Finance Committee


Mrs Angela Murray

Curriculum Committee


Mr Paul Parsons

Finance Committee

Mrs Laura DeJesus

Staff Governor


Mrs Mary Lyons

Curriculum Committee

If you wish to contact any school governor it should be done through the Chair of Governors and any correspondence sent to the school office marked for the attention of the Chair of Governors.

Governors should not be contacted at their home addresses - please respect their privacy.

Interested in becoming a Co-opted Governor?

As a Governor, you can make a valuable contribution to the life of the school and its community.

From time to time vacancies arise on the Governing Body for Co-opted Governors. The ideal candidate is someone with professional experience in an area such as Legal, Financial, HR, ICT, Marketing, Education.

An in-depth knowledge of education is not essential as training opportunities are available. What is important is the desire to use your professional experience for the benefit of the school and its pupils.

If you are interested, please apply in writing to the Chair of Governors at the school address

Riverside Primary School

Brighton Street,



CH44 6QW