Wirral Lifelong Learning Service
As Wirral Council’s Adult Learning Service offer free or affordable courses and workshops at venues across Wirral for people aged 19 years+.
Learning with us can help you:
get a job
help your children with their homework
learn new skills
get into volunteering
prepare you for further education
improve your chances of promotion
get a qualification
Click HERE to view the courses available to you.
Wirral Lifelong Learning offers a selection of courses available through our Family Learning programme. These are provided for different generations of family members and carers to learn together to help support their children with both their education and personal development.
Some courses are simply for the parents themselves, whilst others are designed so that the children join their parents in the second half of their session and the skills developed are applied.
Examples of Family Learning Courses:
Support a Child's Learning
School Volunteering
Eat Well to Keep Well at Home
Food Safety
Food and Mood
Supporting Spelling
Supporting Reading
Learning through Play
Literacy and Numeracy Development
Story Sacks
Inspiring Families
Managing Behaviour
Times Tables
Getting to Grips with Grammer
Support your Child with Fractions
Family Digital Skills
Healthy Living
ESOL Family Language
Leaning Champions
Preparing to Work in School
Keeping safe Online
Bake and Taste
Child Exploitation and Online Protection
If you receive an income based benefit or you are a dependant of someone in your household who receives an income based benefit or you have an income below £19,305 you will not pay for tuition fees. English, Maths, ESOL, Family Learning and Essential Digital Skills courses are free for everyone.
Many of the courses are free to everyone, but some have a fee:
5 weeks - £29
10 weeks (Computer) - £73
10 weeks (British Sign Language) - £86
11 weeks 'Open Awards' Level 1 courses - £202
For courses with a fee, if you are on an income based benefit you are entitled to pay a reduced cost:
5 weeks - £5
10 weeks - £10
You will simply need to provide proof of benefit to your tutor when you enrol.
How to get involved
To request course information leaflets; ask a question; enquire about a course or workshop vacancies, or book a place, call our Learner Communications Team on 0151 666 3330.
If you can’t speak to a member of the team, leave your name and number and we’ll call you back as soon as possible or you can email lifelonglearning@wirral.gov.uk.