General Information


Friday 3rd April

Thanks to our amazing governor Emma Liddy and to the fab team at Teach Rex for organising a dinotastic delivery of free lunches to our children at Riverside. We even made it onto BBC Breakfast this morning!

We wanted to say thank you!

Thursday 26th March 2020

In school, we use White Rose Maths, so the children will be very familiar with it.  They have put together lots of home-learning resources for you to access during this time.  Follow this link to go to their website and find out more.

Saturday 21st March 2020

We are extremely grateful to Atrium Restaurant at Carr Farm Garden Centre who, due to having to close during the COVID-19 pandemic, have donated their food to us.  Names have been picket out of a hat, and food packages will be arranged and delivered today.  Mrs Bowness will be in touch by text message, and Ms. Williams and Mrs Marsden will be doing the rounds!

If you are lucky enough to receive a food package, please wash the containers and return them to school (when you can.)  We will then return them to Atrium Restaurant at Carr Farm Garden Centre, when things are a bit more settled.



If your circumstances have changed and you think you may now be eligible for the Free School Meal Vouchers, please click on the link below and let school office know the outcome.

Thank you and stay safe x

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