Welcome to Larks - Year 4
Your Larks staff this year are Miss Jones, and Miss Goodall and Mrs Bimpson
To contact your Larks teacher, please email larks@riverside.wirral.sch.uk
Our British Hero is
Sir David Attenborough
Sticky Facts about David Attenborough
He is a champion of Humanity and the Earth
He is passionate about saving the Earth by stopping pollution
He is scared of only one animal… rats!
Important Information
Our Curriculum
Spelling on Mondays.
Reading every night.
This half term we are focusing on our 2, 5 and 10 Times Tables.
Our Topic in History this term is What Happened When the Romans Came to Britain?
Our PE day is Thursday
Pupils are to come to school wearing the school PE kit on this day.
Plain white t-shirt
Black jogging bottoms
Black pumps/trainers
Please do not wear own clothes, it must be the PE kit. If you are unable to get kit, school can provide one for you.