Welcome to Acorn Class!

In the Nursery, our little learners are actively exploring and learning through play. We enjoy lots of creative activities and love to cook and bake tasty treats!


Our time in Acorn Class is very important. We are learning our colours, shapes and numbers as well as developing our reading and mark making skills! We are always busy bees in the Nursery.


All of the children in Acorn Class are little superstars and work so hard. They always try their best and help one another. Their kindness and enthusiasm will prepare them well for their step up to F2. Here is to always being 5 star!


The Nursery children are proud of being in Acorn Class. They are absolutely brilliant at performing our class poem!


Acorn Class Poem

Acorn, Acorn, oh so small,


From the oak tree you will fall


When you have fallen from the tree,


A big strong oak tree you will be!


A big strong oak tree you will be!

Starting F1

Welcome to Riverside Nursery. Here are some ideas of activities you could do to get excited about starting F1!

Find out about our school uniform. Why not draw a picture of yourself in your new uniform?

Complete an 'All About Me' page to let your teachers know all about you! 

Practice counting to 5 by counting your toys. 

Play 'I spy' at home to learn new sounds ready for Phonics.

Sing lots of nursery rhymes.

Have a go at zipping up your jacket and putting on your hat and gloves.

We look forward to meeting you in September! 



Phonics in Foundation

The sounds we have focused on in Acorn Class so far. Read Write Inc is the programme we use to teach Phonics in Nursery to prepare children for Reception. Phase One helps to prepare the children for learning their alphabet sounds to later be able to read.  The children in Nursery have done a fantastic job at beginning to learn their sounds this year and we hope to keep it up throughout the term.  Below are links to some fantastic

Phonics websites and apps to support early reading at home:










Nursery Wrap Around


Full Day sessions in Nursery

Riverside now offer wrap around care from 8am through to 3.15pm!

Extra Nursery sessions are £10 with the option to also include breakfast and lunch at an additional cost.

Breakfast is £2 and runs from 8am - 8.45am. This will include toast, cereal, fruit, milk or water.

Morning Nursery runs from 8.45am - 11.45am.

Lunch is £1 and runs from 11.45am - 12.15pm.

Children must bring in a packed lunch.

Afternoon nursery is from 12.15pm - 3.15pm.

30 Hours Funding


From September 2017 Riverside will be offering 30 hour funded places for eligible 3 and 4 year old children. The government will be providing 30 hours free childcare for working parents of 3 & 4 year olds, to support working families or families entering work, who meet government set criteria.

The additional 15 hours free entitlement on top of the existing universal provision of 15 hours will be available to families where:

  • Both parents are working (or the sole parent in a lone parent family);

  • Each parent has a weekly minimum income to 16 hours at a national wage or living wage; and

  • Neither parent has an income of more than £100,000 per year..

We will be offering 30 hour funded places in line with our current nursery sessions that run from 8:45am until 11:45am and 12:15pm until 3:15pm. Children must bring a packed lunch into school, unfortunately, we are unable to offer F1 children school meals.

To find out if your child is eligible for a 30 hour funded place, please CLICK HERE or ring 0300 123 4097.

If you think your child is eligible for 30 hours funding please complete the form online and see the school office to give them your 30 hour funded code. Each code will last for three months. Parents will need to recheck every 3 months.

If you have any further questions, please speak to the nursery staff or contact the school office.